CVSD celebrates National School Bus Safety Week 2024

It's National School Bus Safety Week! As we celebrate, let's remember that keeping our students safe on their journeys is a shared responsibility. Here are five crucial safety tips for drivers when school buses are on the road:

  • Stop for School Buses: When you see a school bus with flashing red lights, stop! No matter your direction, wait until the lights turn off and the bus moves before you proceed. Respect the "STOP" sign!

  • Maintain Safe Distance: Keep a safe space behind the bus. This ensures kids can enter and exit safely and gives the bus room to maneuver if needed.

  • Stay Alert and Patient: Be extra vigilant around school buses. Give yourself extra time during school hours—patience goes a long way!

  • Obey Speed Limits: School zones have lower speed limits for a reason. Stick to them to have enough time to react to any surprises.

  • Watch the Danger Zone: The area around a stopped bus (within 10 feet) is the most dangerous for kids. Always be on the lookout for children crossing in front of or behind the bus.

A huge shoutout to our amazing school transportation staff for keeping our students safe every day! Let's work together to ensure every journey is a safe one!

Photo: Christy Foust, Bus Driver for Kauffman. She's been driving our CV Eagles for 19 years!