Please click the appropriate link to the left, based on your need (Employment Clearances or Volunteer Clearances).
Thank you.
Employee Clearances
According to Act 153 of the Child Protective Services law, which went into effect on December 31, 2014, school employees are now required to obtain new clearances every sixty (60) months, or five (5) years. Clearances include the Criminal Background check, Child Abuse clearance, and FBI Fingerprint clearance. An employee’s renewal date is based on the date of the oldest of the three (3) clearances he/she has on file with the District. This new clearance requirement is a condition of continued employment and is done at the employee’s expense.
School Employees - electronic applications for clearances:
Please click here for Child Abuse Clearances (once at the page, click "Create Individual Account").
Please click here for instructions on how to obtain the FBI Clearance.
If necessary, you may obtain a paper version of the clearance application(s) from the Human Resources Department.
Volunteer Clearances
As you may be aware, legislation was enacted which requires subsets of school volunteers to obtain clearances in order to assist with certain school-related activities. The Child Protective Services Law has gone through many iterations, however we've constructed a set of guidelines by which we may determine the volunteers who do and do not need clearances. Below you will find some basic guidelines; however, your building principal and/or athletic director is available to discuss further.
Most common volunteers who will be required to obtain clearances include:
Classroom volunteers – regular and routine visits
Field trip chaperones
PTO/Booster officers
PTO/Booster volunteers – dependent upon event duration
Most common volunteers who will not be required to obtain clearances:
May Fair volunteers
Picture Day volunteers
Athletic game help - dependent upon nature of role
Visitors to buildings
Clearances must be completed at the volunteer’s expense and returned to your school’s main office prior to volunteering.
Click the links to the left for additional resources.