Gifted Education Program

Cumberland Valley’s Gifted Education Program

What is gifted education?

The federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act defines gifted and talented students as “Students, children, or youth who give evidence of high achievement capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who need services and activities not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop those capabilities.” [Title IX, Part A, Definition 22. (2002)].

Gifted Education then may be best defined as the continuum of programs, services and interventions designed to meet these distinct academic needs. According to the Pennsylvania Department of Education, these services will provide the following opportunities: acceleration, enrichment and individualization, in which instruction is matched specifically to the student’s achievement, ability and interests. This definition is consistent with our service platform which uses the ongoing assessment of present levels of educational performance to inform and individualize instruction and intervention.

What does gifted education look like at Cumberland Valley?

The Cumberland Valley School District provides a gifted program for K-12 students who need specially designed instruction because some of their instructional needs cannot be met through the standard curriculum. It is the intent of the Cumberland Valley School District that intellectually gifted students be provided with quality gifted education services and programs that meet the unique needs of each gifted student

Elementary Schools:
At the Elementary Level, most identified gifted students are enriched through differentiated instructional modifications presented by their regular education classroom teachers, in collaboration with gifted staff members.  Students have daily SOAR time in which enrichment opportunities can be provided. The curriculum is standards-aligned and assessed through mastery learning (Mastery Connect). Students who are determined to need additional specially designed instruction are pulled out of the regular education class for gifted enrichment opportunities.

Middle Schools:
Cumberland Valley middle school students take an introduction to World Languages course, and students who meet criteria may accelerate and take a full year World Language course (Spanish, French, and German) beginning in 7th grade. Math courses are based on the individual student's need; 6th grade math through Geometry are available. Several times per cycle, students have the opportunity to attend a resource room for gifted support.
Middle school students who take a high school equivalent course while in middle school (full year World Language, Algebra I, Geometry, and/or Algebra II) earn a high school credit towards graduation.

High School
Cumberland Valley High School offers a varied curriculum of coursework to meet the strengths of high-achieving students, including more than two dozen AP courses, College in the High School, post-secondary dual enrollment, and Project Lead the Way (pre-engineering courses). Our high school students also have opportunities to engage in academic competitions, community leadership programs, self-directed studies, career development, and social/emotional learning opportunities.

What is Cumberland Valley’s philosophy and vision for gifted education?

The Cumberland Valley School District provides a rigorous curriculum that is guaranteed and viable for all students attending the district. The content of the curriculum is delivered utilizing evidence-based instructional practices that provide for differentiation. Although we believe the majority of our students’ needs will be met through regular education offerings/opportunities, some student's needs will be challenged through other specially designed instruction as determined by the Gifted Individualized Education (GIEP) Team. Through collaboration between the school, the parents/guardians, and the student, the district strives to develop instruction that will challenge and enrich all learners at an appropriate level.

What are the goals, and specific objectives for CV’s gifted education program?

  • Develop a comprehensive and exemplary regular education program which allows all students to maximize their distinct gifts and abilities within a rigorous educational context.

  • Deliver rigorous and meaningful coursework at all educational levels.

  • Meet the diverse needs of gifted learners on a personalized and individualized basis by facilitating appropriate differentiation, enrichment, acceleration, and specially designed instruction as determined by the GIEP Team.

  • Actively seek the identification and assessment of students who may need gifted services.

  • Provide continuing professional development/in-service training for regular teachers, principals, administrators, and support staff persons responsible for gifted education.